HRIQ协会会员中心HRIQ Member Center



第三方账号登录Login From:
腾讯QQ登录From QQ
Facebook登录From Facebook
Steam登录From Steam
QQ验证码登录With QQ V-code

号会员,欢迎您Welcome, No. HRIQ Member

忘记密码Forget password

输入你申请入会时所使用的邮箱Enter your email which you applied to join society

发送成功。输入邮箱收到的验证码,请留意发来的邮件Verification code was sent to your emailbox(sent from Enter the verification code

输入你申请入会时所使用的邮箱Enter your email which you applied to join society

请输入验证码Enter your verification code

邮箱输入错误Wrong email. We can't find it.

达到每日找回上限,请明日再试The upper limit is reached, please try another day. Thanks

验证码错误,你还有两次机会改正You entered the wrong code, now you have 2 more tries to correct it.

验证码再次错误,你还有一次机会改正You entered the wrong code again, now you have only 1 more try to correct it.

错误次数过多,请刷新本页并重新发起找回The upper limit is reached, please refresh the page and request a resending.

网络错误Internet error

邮件发送失败,请联系admin@hriq.org修复Server error

重置成功,密码已重置并发送至邮箱Success. Your new password was sent to your emailbox

注意:新版会员中心上线后,取消用户名,用户名一律按照会员编号填写,开头无需补零。密码不变。Notice:After the new edition of HRIQ Member Center, username replaced with Member ID (only number, no zero-padding). Such as: your old username was hriq052 or other, now the username of yours is only 52.

